Posts by admin

Is Tubal Ligation Right For You?

Birth control, contraception, family planning…however you describe it, choosing which method is best for you is a personal decision. There’s no right or wrong answer that meets every person’s needs. Permanent methods of preventing pregnancy, such as ‘having your tubes tied’ or vasectomy, can be worth considering if you’re sure you don’t want to become…

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Know the Warning Signs of Colon Cancer

Tragically, colorectal cancer (often referred to as ‘colon cancer’) is the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths in the US, even though treatments can be very successful when found early. When colon cancer is found early, before it spreads, the survival rate is very high. If the cancer is detected later and has a…

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Cash-Bundled Programs Take the Surprise Out of Surgery Costs

Typically after a medical procedure such as surgery, the bills come trickling in from the hospital, the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, the physical therapist…and the list goes on. It can be difficult to accurately plan for what your total out-of-pocket costs will be, once all is said and done. With bundled payments, the patient pays a single, all-inclusive bill…

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Enhance your Post-Surgery Recovery

Steps to Take to Speed Post-Surgery Healing In most cases, surgery isn’t the final stop on your road to recovery from injury or illness. What you do before and after surgery can also be critical to your long-term prognosis. Your body needs time to adjust after surgery, and will do much of the healing work itself. But the…

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What is Diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis is an infection or inflammation of pouches that can form in the wall of the colon. Diverticulitis can lead to serious complications, including massive infection or perforation of the bowel, or intestinal obstruction. Signs and Symptoms Most people with diverticulitis don’t have symptoms or problems. When symptoms or issues do present themselves, doctors diagnose…

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The Importance of Regular Colonoscopies

Colorectal cancer (informally referred to as ‘colon cancer’) is now the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths in the US. This cancer almost always starts as polyps, which are precancerous, abnormal growths in the colon or rectum. What is a Colonoscopy? A colonoscopy is a screening test performed by a doctor using a thin,…

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Breast Cancer Surgery

If a mammogram or ultrasound indicates a cause for concern, a biopsy is typically performed. If breast cancer is found, treatment typically involves surgery (a lumpectomy or mastectomy) in concert with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Diagnosis by Biopsy Breast cancer diagnosis usually requires a biopsy, which is the removal of a small sample of breast…

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Reduce the Cost of Surgery with our Cash-Bundled Procedures

Healthcare is expensive. Often, surgical procedures can devastate a family budget. Surprise insurance bills and confusion with insurance only add stress to a time that should be focused on health. In order to help lower the cost of your care, Muskegon Surgical Associates (MSA) has a cash bundled procedure program to allow for discounted rates…

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Healthy Tips for Women’s Health

Mother’s Day marks the start of National Women’s Health Week. To celebrate, read these general women’s health tips to incorporate into your lifestyle. Schedule Your Routine Breast Exam Currently, the American Cancer Society recommends that women ages 45-54 receive a yearly mammogram and every other year between ages 55-74. Discuss your need for a mammogram…

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COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Symptoms  Patient If you are experiencing fever (over 100.4), cough, shortness of breath, or have been exposed to a COVID-19 patient, please contact our scheduling department at 231.739.9461 to reschedule your appointment. Updated Visitor Policy To respect social distancing and patient privacy, visitors are discouraged at this time. If necessary to bring a visitor…

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