
Healthy Eating for a Happy Colon

It’s no secret that what you put into your body matters. A good diet helps your mental and physical health in more ways than one. One of the most important things your diet influences is your colon health. There are many conditions related to the health of your colon that can be an inconvenience to your daily life and sometimes even life threatening.

Some of the most common colon issues include ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease; diverticular disease; irritable bowel syndrome; and colorectal cancer. Extensive research has linked these conditions with lifestyle and diet choices, so making some simple changes can actually reduce your risk of colon issues and increase your overall health.

Know your meats

Both red and processed meats have shown an impact on colon health. Limit your red meat to a treat and try to eliminate processed meats from your diet. Grilled chicken breast is a great alternative but even then, your plate should only consist of one-third meat. The rest, fill with nutrient and fiber rich veggies, fruits, or sides such as hummus.

Limit your sugar

Many diets and lifestyles now are suggesting limiting your sugar intake. Many foods high in sugar are also high in calories and can lead to unhealthy weight gain, which can increase your risk of colon issues. Limiting your sugar to only natural sugars found in fruits is a great way to take this step. Less sugar in your diet and more natural energy sources can also help with your metabolism and stamina.

Opt for a high fiber diet

It may be a taboo topic, but keeping your intestines regular and eating a high fiber diet is crucial to a happy colon. Fiber strengthens the walls of your colon, helps your intestines healthily break down foods, and lowers your risk of developing hemorrhoids. Some things you can easily add to your diet to increase your fiber intake include raspberries, pears, apples, bananas, oranges, cooked artichoke, peas, broccoli and corn.  

Take vitamins

A vitamin rich diet or a good vitamin regimen is great for colon health. If you can drink milk, it is a great source of vitamin D that your body needs. You can also choose to take a vitamin D supplement, but be sure to consult a doctor on what dosage is best for your age and weight. In addition to getting your vitamin D, you should also focus on having an overall more nutrient packed diet. This can be achieved by increasing your fruit and vegetable intake or consulting a dietician on what a healthy vitamin intake would look like for you.

Healthy eating should be a priority for everyone, and small lifestyle changes like limiting sugar and increasing certain nutrients are great steps toward taking care of your body. Your colon plays such an important role in your body’s functions and being conscious of what your diet looks like can greatly reduce your risks of serious colon issues.

To learn more, contact the experts at Muskegon Surgical Associates by calling 231- 739-9461.