
Aortoiliac Duplex

To determine the diameter of a possible aneurysm, evaluate suspected arterial occlusive disease, assess the development of an iliac pseudoaneurysm after a catherization, and to assess the patency of an aortoiliac bypass graft.


  • Pulsatile abdominal or inguinal mass.
  • Abdominal bruit.
  • Claudication of the hip or buttock muscles.
  • Penile erectile dysfunction.
  • Emboli resulting in ischemic lower extremity digits (to determine the source).
  • Monitoring of an aortoiliac arterial obstruction.


NPO 4 hours prior to the exam. If the patient is diabetic and unable to abide by this preparation, we will work with the patient. Please allow the patient to eat. Suggest that he/she eat as light a meal as possible and foods which are non-gas producing. If the patient must take diabetic medications just prior to eating, please ask them to bring the diabetic medications to the appointment. Preferably schedule the patient in the AM./p>